Using Your Wellness Funds Creatively

Every year as we head into fall, all sorts of things change.  People come back from vacations, children are back in school and at work you have to decide how to use your company’s wellness funds.  Some obvious ways to use it include paying for fitness instructions, sponsoring health and wellness fairs and offering employees some perks such as discounts on gym memberships or other health related products.  If you don’t spend the wellness funds - you LOSE it.  It can be a sizeable amount of money and you know anything you can do to boost employee morale and improve their health is going to benefit your company and your employees.

Here is another option you may want to consider.  Simpalo Snacks offers a healthy snack subscription program.


Your subscription can be based on your wellness fund budget.  You may prepay for your subscription using this year’s funds and Simpalo Snacks can begin your subscription whenever you choose. Our friendly customer support staff will help you select the best options for your team.  Once your prepaid subscription ends, you can elect to end your subscription or continue the service.  Simpalo Snacks offers you as much flexibility as we can.  Opting for a snack subscription service is a great way to bring everyone together and get people excited about being part of your company’s team.  Contact us right away to see how we can support your Health and Wellness efforts.