Establishing A Snack Economy At Work

Remember being a kid at school and swapping snacks with friends? Everyone would sit down at the lunch bench, dump their lunch boxes out and immediately start bartering for the best snacks. It was a thrilling moment for you as a kid, but today, as an adult, you can recapture that same thrill by establishing a snack economy at work. While Simpalo Snacks always includes a wide variety of snacks when your snack box is delivered to your office, sometimes a certain kind of snack might be sought by everyone in the office. In instances like these, it’s important to establish a value system so that snacks can be traded effectively and efficiently.

Trading for snacks

Snack trading can become a highly competitive field, one where groups of employees suddenly spend hours of their day looking into which snacks to invest in and barter for. It’s important to establish ground rules that keep your employees focused on their work, and not their snack economy. Make sure that they know to only barter for snacks during lunch hours or breaks.

Determining value

The reality is that every office has its own tastes and preferences. While some might love everything we pack into a monthly Variety Snack Box, some might only like the granola bars, while others crave the chips we pack. If this is the case, you can start to assign a value to snacks based on how quickly they disappear from the box, and by the number of disappointed sighs your employees let out when they realize they were too late to grab the last Larabar. You can also measure how many times someone asks you if a certain brand of snack will be in the variety box.

Rising and Falling Values

Just like the real stock market, the values in your snack market economy will rise and fall based on interest, and if anyone has held onto any snacks between healthy office snack deliveries. If Mark from PR has built up a cache of Wheat Thins, and then suddenly floods the market with them, this might affect the value of other crackers in your next delivery. Suddenly, Wheat Thins are being traded 3:1 for a single Rise bar. It’s important to keep an eye on these fluctuating values, as it may dictate which snacks you pick up when your Variety Snack Box first arrives.

Conducting Your Trades

While you can get complicated and have a designated snack broker that conducts all trades during the lunch hour, we suggest simply follow School Yard rules and using the snacks you have on hand and bickering back and forth until one of you finally decides its a fair trade. While ideally, it should be a one-for-one trade, we understand if you cave and offer up a few packets of popcorn for a single bag of Jack Link’s jerky. Finally, snacks or desserts from lunches are an accepted form of snack currency but should be viewed with some level of skepticism while trading. After all, they might not be nearly as healthy as anything you’ll find in a Simpalo Snacks Variety Box.

So there you have it. A snack economy might be a great way to circulate snacks across your entire office. The free market could help to ensure that everyone always gets what they want. That said, if people feel like they’re missing out, it’s ok to artificially stimulate the economy every now and then and order a custom snack box that is packed with office favorites. Start trading, and have healthy office snacks delivered right to your door with Simpalo Snacks!